

If you love what The Word Works does, please help us keep working: buy our books, attend our programs, and donate as you are able. All donations are tax deductible.

Your participation and support matter! We love you. 

Payments can be made through PayPal by clicking the button below and including your donation amount. If you wish to make a donation in tribute to a particular poet, please include a note in the message box.

Checks should be made out to The Word Works and mailed to PO Box 42164, Washington, DC 20015.

Samaritan – $10 to $99

Priestess – $100 to $499

Saint – $500 to $999

Angel – $1000+

Our Donors!

Starting in 2022, we’re listing our not–anonymous donors here. For a donation of $50 or more, you can make your contribution in honor of a fellow poet. Name your hero, your friend, your favorite voice…a poet who deserves that moment in the spotlight.

Thank you, all. We couldn’t do it without you! Here’s to a brilliant 2022.

Paul Berman

Julie Enszer

William Epes

Majda Gama

Donald Illich

Lisa Lewis

Susan Lewis

Jay Rogoff

Nancy White

Hosannah! We celebrate the poets in whose names we’ve received donations:

Denise Duhamel

Cornelius Eady